Work and Weather Diary

Guilty pleasures

When the Covid-19 crisis started in Mach 2020 I lost my ability to think, talk and act on and about Climate issues. I was able to face only one crisis at a time. The partial denial still goes on.

It´s end of September, the corona virus is still with us and the weather is unusually warm, again. Last Sunday the temperature records were broken again in many places. We had +23 °C which is a warm summer temperature in Finland. September is unquestionable a fall month; the Finnish name of the month is syyskuu – syys being the old fashioned name for fall and kuu meaning month, and also moon.

Before the covid-crisis I would have been anxious or sad because of this weather anomaly. Now I cannot but enjoy the guilty pleasures of weather: let me have some more sun, some more warmth, let the summer continue. Life with covid-restrictions is bearable as long as it´s warm, as long as we can go outside, as long as we can meet friends in the sun.