Work and Weather Diary

Work and Weather Diary

Guilty pleasures

When the Covid-19 crisis started in Mach 2020 I lost my ability to think, talk and act on and about Climate issues. I was able to face only one crisis at a time. The partial denial still goes on.

It´s end of September, the corona virus is still with us and the weather is unusually warm, again. Last Sunday the temperature records were broken again in many places. We had +23 °C which is a warm summer temperature in Finland. September is unquestionable a fall month; the Finnish name of the month is syyskuu – syys being the old fashioned name for fall and kuu meaning month, and also moon.

Before the covid-crisis I would have been anxious or sad because of this weather anomaly. Now I cannot but enjoy the guilty pleasures of weather: let me have some more sun, some more warmth, let the summer continue. Life with covid-restrictions is bearable as long as it´s warm, as long as we can go outside, as long as we can meet friends in the sun.

Work and Weather Diary


It was my 42th birthday today.

My mother always tells how cold it was when I was born. It was more than -20°C, which was cold but not so unusual in the late 70ies in Finland in January.

Today I received as a birthday present a trip to woods. It was unusually bright and sunny day. Also a bit colder than it has been this winter: I think maybe -1°C, because there was some ice on the surface of the puddles. Also a few snowflakes in the air, allthough I don´t know where they came since there were no clouds in the sky or where they went since they did not stay on the ground.

It feels it has been raining all the winter. Maybe a hint of snow once or twice, but it has melted before the next day. We have had black winters before also, but this ongoing rain and temperature which has been mostly over 5 degrees feels like something else. Weird. One novelty that the climate change brings is that weather types remain the same longer than they used to, said meteorologist Petteri Taalas in some interview.

In the woods today