
Brazil is hot

Recorded weather for Porto, Brazil
time range | day of Monday, November 26, 2018
temperature |  (8 to 15) °C (average: 12 °C)
conditions | rain, fog, overcast, cloudy, partly cloudy, few clouds
relative humidity | (57 to 94)% (average: 75%)
wind speed | (0 to 12) m/s (average: 5 m/s)

Brazil is hot. Was always. Brazil comes from ember, from our brazilwood, a tree with a strong reddish pigmentation. But the current scenario boils. Between the approach of the summer and the presidential elections, some relations have become unbearable. Divided families, people taking on racist positions, taken from a hatred created and fed by the media and fake news

I watched Brazil heat up, lose all its colors and become hot and red. Redwood of blood from the dead by this hatred, red fires in our forests and our national museum, red and exalted faces, red workers’ flags withdrawn. 2018, Brazil has never been so red, hot under pressure that we still do not know what will happen. I will always remember this moment for the red vs. the green, of uncertainty, of not making plans for the year to come. Bolsonaros election has taken so much of us, and every crazy decision he makes makes us feel like going backwards. He ain’t my president.

Porto Allegre, 26.11.2019


Amanda Texeira is a visual artist who comes from Porto Allegre, Brazil. I learned to know her in November 2017, in Arts Iceland Westfjords -Residency in Ísafjörður, Iceland. We shared a house for almost a month. We cooked together, did walks and climbed on fjords to pick blueberries. We discussed a lot, also from my project “December”, that I wanted to continue collecting stories about the change in weather, that I wanted to make it an ongoing and updating project. Amanda encouraged me. So it was very natural to ask Amanda to be the first to take part to the “new December”.